Thursday, September 18, 2008
Pokemon Ruby Cheats
Gameshark Codes
Pokemon Ruby Master Code
530823D9 16558191
Pokemon Gender Codes
Always Female Pokémons Code
0C3D5307 ABB44D7C
78DA95DF 44018CB4
Always Male Pokémons Code
0C3D5307 ABB44D7C
141BB87C 83D7018F
Max Stat Codes
HP Stat
28330312 B9E777D4
141BB87C 83D7018F
Attack Stat
141BB87C 83D7018F
Defense Stat
C5F9E49A 1DC472F1
141BB87C 83D7018F
Speed Stat
05DF5C70 440053F5
25260C8D 25207DAE
Special Attack Stat
0526A00A F717AC06
141BB87C 83D7018F
Special Defense Stat
3362EF2D D6B8C92E
141BB87C 83D7018F
All Stat Maxed Out
AB5FF5EF A7716843
Pokerus Code
C784FC61 63EBC3B6
117279A9 85478753
Shiny Pokemon
Max Money
Master Code: [Must Be On]
9E6AC862 823AB7A8
46B7D9E4 A709E9E1
Max Money:
Pokemon Ruby Master Code
530823D9 16558191
Pokemon Gender Codes
Always Female Pokémons Code
0C3D5307 ABB44D7C
78DA95DF 44018CB4
Always Male Pokémons Code
0C3D5307 ABB44D7C
141BB87C 83D7018F
Max Stat Codes
HP Stat
28330312 B9E777D4
141BB87C 83D7018F
Attack Stat
141BB87C 83D7018F
Defense Stat
C5F9E49A 1DC472F1
141BB87C 83D7018F
Speed Stat
05DF5C70 440053F5
25260C8D 25207DAE
Special Attack Stat
0526A00A F717AC06
141BB87C 83D7018F
Special Defense Stat
3362EF2D D6B8C92E
141BB87C 83D7018F
All Stat Maxed Out
AB5FF5EF A7716843
Pokerus Code
C784FC61 63EBC3B6
117279A9 85478753
Shiny Pokemon
Max Money
Master Code: [Must Be On]
9E6AC862 823AB7A8
46B7D9E4 A709E9E1
Max Money:
Download Pokemon Ruby Gameshark Codes
Save it then extract
NOTE: Don't activate more than 10 codes at the same time
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Pokemon Ruby Hints
Starter Tips
If you chose Treeko as a starter, on Route 103 where you meet May for the first battle, you can catch a Wingull. Train it on your adventures and when you battle May again, it should be great against her Torchic.
If you chose Mudkip as a starter, go to the route where you help Wally catch a Ralts. Catch your own Ralts. Train it in your adventures and when you battle May again, it should be great against her Treeko.
If you chose Torchic as a starter, go to Petalburg Woods where you help the Devon Researcher defeat Team Magma. Search for a Shroomish. Train it as you progress through your journey and it should be great against her Mudkip.
Easy way to catch Pokemon
1. First teach one of your strong Pokemon False Swipe, or use one that already know it (if you decide to forget a move it might help if you forget one that you can teach back, via your bag/move tutor). False Swipe is a great move for catching Pokemon because is won't kill them (the worst it can do is leave the Pokemon on 1 health).
2. Next encounter the Pokemon you wish to catch. Then use False Swipe on it, if you've picked a strong Pokemon (say about 20 levels or higher than the Pokemon you wish to catch) the wild Pokemon should be on low health (probably 1 health). If not you False Swipe again, and keep repeating the prosess until your sure the Pokemon is on 1 health.
3. Finally try to catch the wild Pokemon with a Poke ball of some sort (if the Pokemon hasn't been caught after 5 Poke balls, try to put it asleep or paralyze it, then try again)
Additional Money
After you defeat Norman, the Petalburg gym leader, go to your house & talk to your mom. She will give you an 'Amulet Coin'. Let your stronger Pokemon hold it and put that Pokemon in first slot. If you want to simultaneously level up other Pokemon, let those others hold Exp Share. Now that your first slot Pokemon holds Amulet Coin, fight the reporters or anybody or even gym leaders, you get Double the money you are normally supposed to.
Exp up
If you want your Pokemon to get there exp up easily is to get the Exp share, Give it to the Pokemon you want to level up. If you have got a couple of high level Pokemon (lvl 60-100) put them at the front of your party then battle the Elite 4. Your Pokemon should grow very easily
How To Catch Feebas
First of all one Feebas can only be found in 6 out of 400+ tiles in route 119
1.) Go to Dewford town then change the trendy phrase to BEAUTIFUL FEEBAS
By changing the trendy phrase FEEBAS will easily appear in route 119.
2.)Go to Fortree city then go to route 119 near the weather institute
3.)Use surf in the area near the waterfalls when you do that go to the most southern part until you reach a dead end.
4.)Use any kind of rod(most preferably old rod)in one of the tiles 5 times.
5.)If you want to save time put a Pokemon that has the ability of "SUCTION CUPS" to fish more easily(I recomend LILEEP or CRADILY)
If you want to evolve your FEEBAS to MILOTIC just simply feed it with a lot of blue pokeblocks or any pokeblock that will raise it's beauty to max(i recommend you to use GANLON BERRY)
Before you dive up from the cave under Sootopolis City, there is a big area of seagrass. Relicanth is rare, so be patient
The Sealed Chamber is a cave located beside Pacifidlog Town in the Route 134 ocean current. It is in a space of calm water there with a dark spot to Dive in. Once you Dive, go down until you see Braille on the ocean wall. Go up using Dive. Walk to the end of the room in the middle facing the Braille, and use Dig. A door will open. Having a Relicanth as the first Pokemon in your party and a Wailord as the last, go back and read the scription again and there will be an earthquake. Then a box that tells you it sounds like doors opening far away or something like that.
Regirock: Go into the Desert above Mauville City look around for a cave and go to the bottom.At the end of the cave you will see th braille. You must be in the center of the wall.Stay at the wall move 2 steps right and 2 steps down and use strength. The door will open save and catch Regirock.
Regice: Fly to Petalburg City and go west. Use Surf, and go southwest until you get to an island. Go across it and go north from there and you will discover a cave. Enter and read the Braille. After you read the tablet, Hold B and run around one lap always next to the wall, clockwise(starting in the middle of the brail then going >>). The door will open. Go through and go on to fight Regice.
Registeel: Fly to Fortree City. Go as far south as possible out of the city, and follow the path south after the second bit of long grass on the left there are stairs to the lair. Go infront of the Ancient Tomb.Go to the middle and use Flash. You will open the cave entrance. Go through the door and prepare to fight Registeel after saving.
One more thing, I would recommend you NOT to use your Master Ball on each of the REGIS because if I were you, I would save it for Latias/Latios. Bring about 50x Ultra Balls with you for all the 3 regis. How do I catch? Well , I used Poke Balls to catch them. First, I weakened them, second, i used ultra balls for regirock and a dive ball for registeel.
Catching Latios / Latias
All you need is ether a Golbat or Wobbuffet with mean look or a Trapinch because Trapinch has arena trap, a lot of repels and ultra balls and timer balls, all you do is put Golbat or Trapinch at the top of your party then when you come across Latios/Latias use mean look or Trapinch's arena trap will stop it from running, weaken it so it's on red hp then throw the ultra balls if you don't catch it with them then use the timer balls and you should b able 2 catch it easy
Go to Pacifidlog town, after completing the elite4 surf to the left and you'll find an opening in the route barrier, surf up there then get off on the island, walk through the cave and then up towards the building, make your way through the building (you need a mach bike) and on the top floor rayquaza will be ther waiting for you
If you chose Treeko as a starter, on Route 103 where you meet May for the first battle, you can catch a Wingull. Train it on your adventures and when you battle May again, it should be great against her Torchic.
If you chose Mudkip as a starter, go to the route where you help Wally catch a Ralts. Catch your own Ralts. Train it in your adventures and when you battle May again, it should be great against her Treeko.
If you chose Torchic as a starter, go to Petalburg Woods where you help the Devon Researcher defeat Team Magma. Search for a Shroomish. Train it as you progress through your journey and it should be great against her Mudkip.
Easy way to catch Pokemon
1. First teach one of your strong Pokemon False Swipe, or use one that already know it (if you decide to forget a move it might help if you forget one that you can teach back, via your bag/move tutor). False Swipe is a great move for catching Pokemon because is won't kill them (the worst it can do is leave the Pokemon on 1 health).
2. Next encounter the Pokemon you wish to catch. Then use False Swipe on it, if you've picked a strong Pokemon (say about 20 levels or higher than the Pokemon you wish to catch) the wild Pokemon should be on low health (probably 1 health). If not you False Swipe again, and keep repeating the prosess until your sure the Pokemon is on 1 health.
3. Finally try to catch the wild Pokemon with a Poke ball of some sort (if the Pokemon hasn't been caught after 5 Poke balls, try to put it asleep or paralyze it, then try again)
Additional Money
After you defeat Norman, the Petalburg gym leader, go to your house & talk to your mom. She will give you an 'Amulet Coin'. Let your stronger Pokemon hold it and put that Pokemon in first slot. If you want to simultaneously level up other Pokemon, let those others hold Exp Share. Now that your first slot Pokemon holds Amulet Coin, fight the reporters or anybody or even gym leaders, you get Double the money you are normally supposed to.
Exp up
If you want your Pokemon to get there exp up easily is to get the Exp share, Give it to the Pokemon you want to level up. If you have got a couple of high level Pokemon (lvl 60-100) put them at the front of your party then battle the Elite 4. Your Pokemon should grow very easily
How To Catch Feebas
First of all one Feebas can only be found in 6 out of 400+ tiles in route 119
1.) Go to Dewford town then change the trendy phrase to BEAUTIFUL FEEBAS
By changing the trendy phrase FEEBAS will easily appear in route 119.
2.)Go to Fortree city then go to route 119 near the weather institute
3.)Use surf in the area near the waterfalls when you do that go to the most southern part until you reach a dead end.
4.)Use any kind of rod(most preferably old rod)in one of the tiles 5 times.
5.)If you want to save time put a Pokemon that has the ability of "SUCTION CUPS" to fish more easily(I recomend LILEEP or CRADILY)
If you want to evolve your FEEBAS to MILOTIC just simply feed it with a lot of blue pokeblocks or any pokeblock that will raise it's beauty to max(i recommend you to use GANLON BERRY)
Before you dive up from the cave under Sootopolis City, there is a big area of seagrass. Relicanth is rare, so be patient
The Sealed Chamber is a cave located beside Pacifidlog Town in the Route 134 ocean current. It is in a space of calm water there with a dark spot to Dive in. Once you Dive, go down until you see Braille on the ocean wall. Go up using Dive. Walk to the end of the room in the middle facing the Braille, and use Dig. A door will open. Having a Relicanth as the first Pokemon in your party and a Wailord as the last, go back and read the scription again and there will be an earthquake. Then a box that tells you it sounds like doors opening far away or something like that.
Regirock: Go into the Desert above Mauville City look around for a cave and go to the bottom.At the end of the cave you will see th braille. You must be in the center of the wall.Stay at the wall move 2 steps right and 2 steps down and use strength. The door will open save and catch Regirock.
Regice: Fly to Petalburg City and go west. Use Surf, and go southwest until you get to an island. Go across it and go north from there and you will discover a cave. Enter and read the Braille. After you read the tablet, Hold B and run around one lap always next to the wall, clockwise(starting in the middle of the brail then going >>). The door will open. Go through and go on to fight Regice.
Registeel: Fly to Fortree City. Go as far south as possible out of the city, and follow the path south after the second bit of long grass on the left there are stairs to the lair. Go infront of the Ancient Tomb.Go to the middle and use Flash. You will open the cave entrance. Go through the door and prepare to fight Registeel after saving.
One more thing, I would recommend you NOT to use your Master Ball on each of the REGIS because if I were you, I would save it for Latias/Latios. Bring about 50x Ultra Balls with you for all the 3 regis. How do I catch? Well , I used Poke Balls to catch them. First, I weakened them, second, i used ultra balls for regirock and a dive ball for registeel.
Catching Latios / Latias
All you need is ether a Golbat or Wobbuffet with mean look or a Trapinch because Trapinch has arena trap, a lot of repels and ultra balls and timer balls, all you do is put Golbat or Trapinch at the top of your party then when you come across Latios/Latias use mean look or Trapinch's arena trap will stop it from running, weaken it so it's on red hp then throw the ultra balls if you don't catch it with them then use the timer balls and you should b able 2 catch it easy
Go to Pacifidlog town, after completing the elite4 surf to the left and you'll find an opening in the route barrier, surf up there then get off on the island, walk through the cave and then up towards the building, make your way through the building (you need a mach bike) and on the top floor rayquaza will be ther waiting for you
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